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2023 Provincial Priorities

May 1, 2023

With the Provincial Election formally underway, we're pleased to share our 2023 Provincial Priorities - Fostering Growth and Unlocking Potential. Over the past several years Alberta has weathered economic headwinds, major fluctuations in worldwide natural resource prices, and a global pandemic that has left its mark on our province and our city. As always, our optimism, energy and grit have shaped our responses to these challenges, and today we’re in a position to build on our past success and pave the way for our future prosperity.

The Edmonton Chamber of Commerce has prepared this document as a summary of our member’s priorities for the parties contesting the 2023 Alberta Election. It is important for the overall success of Alberta that the voices of the business community are sought out by elected officials and reflected in provincial policy. We urge whichever party forms the next government to heed our policy recommendations and take them in the spirit of collaboration that they are intended. The recommendations herein have been developed in consultation with our policy committees and our membership.

We call on the Government of Alberta to make our province business-friendly by taking action in the following areas:

  • Establish a Long-Term Fiscal Management Plan
  • Invest in and Foster Innovation
  • Address the Growing Affordability Crisis
  • Support our Growing Population
  • Improve Community Safety and Well-being
  • Lead in Clean Energy and Reaching Net-Zero
  • Bridge the Skills Gap

The Edmonton Chamber of Commerce does not endorse any particular registered party or registered candidate, and nothing in this document should be construed as a promotion or opposition of a registered party or registered candidate. 

Media Contact

Celeste Peterson

Senior Communications Advisor


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