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Media Statement

City of Edmonton

On behalf of the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, please join us in congratulating and welcoming our newest Board members who will be commencing their terms on January 1, 2022.

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Municipal Face Covering Bylaw

We are writing today on behalf of our members regarding the City of Edmonton Face Covering Bylaw
which remains in place as the provincial requirements end on March 1st, 2022. Like the views expressed on the ending of the Restrictions Exemption Program, most businesses would prefer to see the municipal Face Covering Bylaw repealed in coordination with the provincial program, although some of our members have shared different perspectives on this issue.

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Is it time to reconsider what a successful educational pathway looks like?

Stats Canada indicates that we have seen an average unemployment rate of ~10.5% between March 2020 and November of 2021. As we look ahead to the arduous process of post-pandemic economic recovery, employees need to know what will help them flourish in a transforming job market.

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Municipal Vaccination Passport Program

We provide this correspondence from the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of our members. We would like to express concern relating to the potential city council decision to bring in a bylaw that would require a municipal proof of vaccination program to go into effect for public spaces and private enterprise.

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A Primer on Alberta’s Equalization Referendum

On October 18th Albertans will go to the polls to elect new mayors, reeves and municipal councillors. Also on the ballot will be two referendum questions: one on whether or not to remain on Daylight Saving Time year-round; and the other addressing whether the principle of equalization payments should be removed from Canada’s constitution.

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Edmonton & Calgary Chambers congratulate Liberal Party on re-election

The Edmonton and Calgary Chambers of Commerce congratulate the Liberal Party of Canada for its successful re-election, and the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau on his forthcoming re-appointment as Prime Minister of Canada. We thank all federal party leaders and candidates for their public service and efforts to bring important issues to light throughout the election campaign.

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Survey shows strong support among business community for vaccine certification

News Back Survey shows strong support among business community for vaccine certification 13 September 2021 Edmonton, Calgary – A recent survey conducted by Leger shows compelling support for vaccine certification, with 70% of businesses and 74% of citizens supportive. Results indicate only 13% of businesses and 12% of the general population are opposed to vaccine…

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